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設計師:Boxtel & Buijs
Karlsson,一個著名的荷蘭鐘錶設計品牌。自1980年起,Karlsson以其精湛工藝和經典設計,於傳統火車站時鐘和校園鐘的製造而聞名。 1999年,Karlsson進一步與世界舞台接軌,與眾多荷蘭及國際知名設計師攜手合作,以及自己設計團隊的獨到眼光,不斷設計出鐘錶作品超越了單純計時的功能,成為業界矚目的時尚標竿。
這不僅贏得了室內設計師的青睞,也讓廣大用戶和消費者為之傾心。 Karlsson,持續並向著設立的目標 - Quality Time 而行。為持續創造設計出更多永恆不舊的時計而繼續努力。
【About designer: Boxtel & Buijs】
Ruben van Boxtel and Reinier Buijs both successfully graduated at the design academy Eindhoven in 1999. Since 2003 they joined forces and founded Boxtel&Buijs specialized in product design for several companies and brands like Capventure, HEMA, Karlsson, Leonardo Specials, Present Time, the Zoo, Puhlmann and Wanted. Right from the start they launched an amount of successful interior products. The Peekaboo wallclock series for children, the Swinging 6 and the coat hanger Hands designed for "the Zoo". The challenge is to come up with fresh, surprising ideas for the product portfolio in order to increase sales that lead to an outstanding brand performance. They are destined to create an even bigger and better unexpected surprise in every single design.
You can find Boxtel&Buijs products all over the world in interior design stores, gift shops and on the internet.
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