The painting in the photo is ALREADY SOLD. Your painting will be very similar in color and composition, but not exact.
* Original handmade oil painting on panel.
* Name: Mountain lake.
* Painter: Illarionova Yuliya
* Size: 10" by 8" inches. (25x20cm.) If you want to order a painting in a different size, please contact me.
* Materials: Canvas panel, professional oil paints
* The painting is not framed, but a frame will absolutely boost a beauty of a painting.
* Processing time 5-10 business days.
* Signed and dated by the artist.
* Shipped with tracking.
* All items are shipped in protective packaging, and all duty of care is taken to ensure it gets to you intact and unmarked.
Oil paintings have a long life and can be a great investment for the art connoisseur or first time art buyer. The picture is suitable for any room. It can be a great gift.
Please note the colors might differ depending on your monitor settings.
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