獨一無二 - Chanel 香奈兒中古鈕扣手工製作而成的14K鍍金手鍊

5.0 (1)
NT$ 4,058

最高 3 期零利率 NT$ 1,352 / 期

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un mémoire 逗號時光
1~3 天前
1 日內
獨一無二 - Chanel 香奈兒中古鈕扣手工製作而成的14K鍍金手鍊 - 手鍊/手環 - 其他金屬 金色


館主創館契機之一是看準環保和再循環的重要性,認為二手精品販售的重要性在於給予商品新生命和價值,不要輕易丟棄。 因此,秉持著這個信念,館主近期著重於搜刮收集精品鈕扣、夾鏈釦等,並且重新為它們打造為獨一無二的首飾,開啟新的生命旅程。 首先,從香奈兒開始。香奈兒精品的品質掛保證,就算是小小的鈕扣,也不敢含糊。館主與法國小供應商接洽,認真溝通了香奈兒的鈕扣課題。她說香奈兒美品的鈕扣本身也是藝術品,從包體或服裝上摘下後也能自成一格,是閃閃動人的飾品。 中古鈕扣背後有熱印(在鐵製的鈕扣上再用一層小鐵片印上去),不容易仿造但是近期的香奈兒鈕扣已經不再有熱印,水貨很多。此外,鈕扣也有一定的重量,材料好,而且設計工藝細緻。 商品狀態: 鈕扣如新,品質保證。其它材料非香奈兒原產,均為14K鍍金材料,不易受損但是還是要好好保存喔,不要戴著飾品噴香水也不要戴著洗澡哦。 如有任何疑問,建議在下單前私訊我們喔~可詢問美品的狀態以及要求提供更多照片。 備注:中古商品並非全新物品,大致上都有使用痕跡。在上架前,我們都有利用皮革專屬清潔劑清理包包。如果在意物品有任何歲月痕跡,請考慮清楚再決定購入哦。 The intention to set up this online shop is to create an avenue to encourage sustainability and the 3Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Staying aligned with this objective, I recently embarked on an active journey to source for vintage branded buttons / zipper pull pendants to upcycle them into new creations for a brand new lease of life. Starting with Chanel, authentic Chanel vintage buttons are known to be of absolute quality and are little gems on their own. I reached out to the boutique supplier I’ve worked with in France and we had a comprehensive discussion on the Chanel buttons. Genuine Chanel buttons, particularly vintage ones, are miniature treasures on their own! Vintage pieces bear hot stamped markings on the rear, a hallmark distinguishing them from newer productions lacking such identifiers. Unfortunately, due to the lack of authentication measures as hot stamping, there are many imitations flooding the market, mimicking the appearance of authentic new Chanel buttons. These counterfeit versions, however, tend to lack the finesse, weight, and quality of the originals. Condition: The zipper pull pendant is of pristine condition, practically unused. Other than the zipper pull pendant, the others are not original Chanel materials but made up of 14K gold. It is not easy to tarnish but do take the necessary steps to care of the jewelry - don’t spray perfume when wearing them and please remove them before bathing. Disclaimer: Unaffiliated to any brands here, just a platform to share rare vintage finds with the like-minded and seek new homes for them. Note that pre-loved items are time-kissed and not in perfect brand new condition. If you are mindful of pre-loved marks, please consider carefully prior to purchasing anything. ———— Un Mémoire Crafter 逗號時光代表的是延續,是斷斷續續的回憶點滴,我們來幫你與中古飾品製造新回憶~ 店長自詡是個耳環、老相機和中古包收藏家,也是個手作愛好者,並想嘗試舊物再循環的手作。店長更是個朝九晚五的普通上班族,閒暇時喜歡逛逛買買、做做手作。 年前渡蜜月時在歐洲精品小店愛上收藏vintage小物,它們的使用痕跡記載了人生中的小故事,為物品增添了一層意義。目前獨愛私藏vintage Christian Dior、Burberrys、Ralph Lauren、Bally、Celine、Loewe、Coach等中古包和飾品。舊物因為低調奢華,時尚簡約然後不退流行,加上品質優良,值得關注。因為工作關係我有些出國機會,出國逛街時也喜愛逛小店買買小收藏,希望能通過Pinkoi小店與知音人分享。 此外,也覺得vintage物品如鈕扣等也能製作成小飾品,舊物新用,這是創立品牌想要邁向的下一步 - 舊事物新創意。如有任何特別在尋找的中古寶貝,可讓我們知道,我們幫忙留意一下哦。 Hello👋🏻 | Nice to meet you. Avid earrings, vintage cameras, vintage bags, vintage trinkets collector. Handicrafter. Leather, rattan and tweed lover. I hold an ordinary 9-5 job, but love collecting vintage trinkets like vintage bags and jewelry in my free time. Stumbled across a vintage branded scarf in a little boutique store during my honeymoon trip in Europe, and I have never looked back. By definition of vintage, I meant items hailing from the 80s-00s so they’re definitely more than 10 years of history. I especially love vintage bags, they’re made out of superb quality and minimalist design that never goes out of trend. The old leather is usually duper sturdy and very durable as well. I have built up a small collection of vintage products that are seeking new homes. They’re vintage Coach, Celine, Christian Dior, Bally, Fendi, Chanel, Ralph Lauren, Valentino. I source them mainly from Japan (they have a wide range), Hong Kong, Taiwan, the US and Europe. Feel free to browse through and chat me up if you have queries! I try to picture all the details of the items as much as possible, as well as it’s flaws for your careful consideration. If you have any item on your wish list, let me know and I’ll keep a lookout for them for you. A caveat that vintage items are not in their most pristine condition as they’re pre-loved and kissed by time, there may also be some battle scars so do note. 🤍


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獨一無二 - Chanel 香奈兒中古鈕扣手工製作而成的14K鍍金手鍊


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