"Boat Painting "
🟢Oil on panel
🟢Original oil painting
🟢One of a kind
🟢Size 38 x 26 sm(14 *11 in)
🟢 Signed and dated by the artist
🟣I can also draw a different size picture. Just contact me
🔵I'll ship it out within 1-2 days of your purchase.
🔵Delivers usually within 2-4 weeks depending on your part of the world.
🔵The Painting will be carefully packaged with wrap and shipped in a special foam, pimple film.
🔵After shipment, your order menu will have a track number to track.
👩🏻🦰Author - Olga Shel. All my works in the store are original, all the paintings are in a single copy. I don't redraw from other pictures, I create everything myself.
♥️Thank you for your support of the artist, I love you! Olga
- 商品材質
- 其他材質
- 製造方式
- 手工製造
- 商品產地
- 俄羅斯
- 商品熱門度
- 被欣賞 1,187 次
- 共 10 人收藏
- 販售許可
- 原創商品
- 商品摘要
- "Boat Painting " 🟢Oil on panel 🟢Original oil painting 🟢One of a kind 🟢Size 38 x 26 sm 🟢 Signed and dated by the аrtist
- 商品運費
- 付款方式
- 信用卡安全加密付款
- 轉帳付款
- 7-11 ibon 代碼繳費
- 全家 FamiPort 代碼繳費
- 信用卡分期 (3 期零利率) NT$ 1,035 / 期
- Alipay 支付寶
- AlipayHK 支付寶香港
- 悠遊付
- AFTEE先享後付(支援超商網銀電子錢包)
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