**fync by FABILAB | scented candles**
**caramel popcorn.**
**US natural soy wax | hand-poured in Kowloon Bay**
Not just about coffee and tea, introducing **fync**, proudly produced by Fabilab, luxury range of non-coffee goods that would truly elevate your ambience.
Our scented candles are made with US ecofriendly soy wax, blended with essential oil fragrances that are RIFM (Research Institute for Fragrances Materials) safe.
A perfect complement to your coffee moments!
**caramel popcorn.**
Our luxurious and sweet fragrance blend brings out the warm senses for the festive season. With notes of coffee, caramelised sugar, buttermilk and vanilla, it is a perfect complement to your Christmas party (under the mistletoe maybe?)
成分 | 美國進口天然大豆蠟、RIFM 認證天然精油
容量 | 90g
燃燒時間 | 22g:6-8小時 | 90g:25-35 小時
產地 | 香港全手工製作
香氣 | 咖啡、焦糖、奶油、雲呢拿
▪︎ 全新蠟燭首次點燃時請至少燃燒兩小時,讓表面的蠟完全融化形成蠟池
▪︎ 避免過長時間使用蠟燭,建議每次最長燃點時間約為4小時(90g)
▪︎ 在蠟燭冷卻的時候修剪燭芯到5mm長,可以避免火苗過旺而導致的黑煙
▪︎ 請勿留下任何正在燃燒中的蠟燭
▪︎ 蠟燭必須放在遠離孩童、寵物、任何易燃物質、電器以及發熱源的地方
▪︎ 請將蠟燭存放在室溫且乾燥的地方,避免陽光直射
▪︎ 請注意剛熄滅的蠟燭杯並小心拿取
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