香港原生植物圖鑑 (第二冊) (Bilingual Edition 中英雙語)

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香港原生植物圖鑑 (第二冊) (Bilingual Edition 中英雙語) - 刊物/書籍 - 紙 紫色


無聲的草木 綻放最好的香港 「胡秀英植物標本館」四代植物學家 翻山越嶺、精剖細描 為香港原生植物留下永恆的傳記 20個珍貴而稀有的名字,在遺憾失去它們前 認識它們越深,越能與它們共生 這些原生植物得以在香港這片土地上繁衍下去,不致滅絕 本書為《香港原生植物圖鑑》的第二冊。延續第一冊結合科學繪圖和植物藝術墨線圖的方式,詳細介紹了香港20種稀有及瀕危的原生植物。這些植物受到法例和名錄的保護,並在香港生態系統中扮演著重要角色。 標本館運用多種研究方法,包括文獻回顧、野外觀察、花果解剖結構研究和墨線圖等,去記錄每個珍貴的植物品種,豐富香港稀有及瀕危植物的基礎科學資訊,促進植物保育工作的進展。本冊更新增「掃描電子顯微鏡圖像」單元,把猶如萬花筒般的花粉和孢子的微物之美,清晰地呈現在讀者眼前。 This appealingly illustrated book is the second volume of Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants. It presents a meticulously curated collection of 20 rare and endangered native plant species found in Hong Kong, featuring scientific, detailed pen-and-ink illustrations and morphological descriptions. This volume introduces a new section showcasing ‘Scanning Electron Microscope Images’ that reveals the intricate beauty of pollen and spores. This guide provides essential reference materials for species authentication and is of particular significance for plant preservation efforts in Hong Kong. 全名:Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants (Volume II) 香港原生植物圖鑑(第二冊):Rare and Endangered Plants 稀有及瀕危植物(Bilingual Edition 中英雙語) ISBN:978-988-237-319-8 裝幀:精裝 語言:中英雙語 頁數:376 尺寸:280 x 195 mm **作者及編者簡介** **劉大偉(作者)** 香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館 館長 劉大偉博士是一位植物學家,曾參與多項有關植物分類學、草藥鑒定及藥理學的研究項目,現任香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館館長,專責管理「香港植物及植被計劃」。劉博士的教研範圍包括植物分類學、生物多樣性及中藥鑒定。 **Dr David T. W. Lau (Author)** Curator of the Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Dr David T. W. Lau is a botanist who has been researching plant taxonomy, herbal authentication and pharmacology. He is now a curator of the Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium in the School of Life Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and is responsible for managing the ‘Hong Kong Flora and Vegetation’ project. His research and education interests include plant taxonomy, biodiversity and Chinese medicine authentication. **王曉欣(作者、編輯及植物繪圖師)** 香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館 科研統籌員 畢業於香港中文大學環境科學系。現職於香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館,工作範疇包括野外採集、科學繪圖、植物學教育計劃、實習生訓練、標本電子化及掃描電子顯微鏡記錄等工作。2018年以實習身分開始在標本館工作,並被兩位教授級畫師——曾孝濂老師和馬平老師留下的原稿深深震撼。2023年馬老師來港為團隊進行培訓及修改圖版,有幸在他身上學習了更多的觀察、分析和繪圖技巧。希望透過本書,能夠把前輩的工匠精神傳承下去。 **Hiu-Yan Wong (Author, Editor & Botanical Illustrator)** Research Coordinator, Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences The Chinese University of Hong Kong After graduating as an Environmental Science major at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hiu-Yan Wong is now working at the Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her job duties include field collection, scientific illustration, botany education, intern training, specimen digitization and scanning electron microscopy imaging. She started working in the herbarium as an intern in 2018 and was astonished by the manuscripts left behind by two top botanical illustrators, Xiao-Lian Zeng and Ping Ma. In 2023, Ping Ma offered training to the team and refined the botanical plates, during which the team learnt advanced observation, analytical and illustration skills from him. She hopes the artisan spirit of the former illustrators will be passed on via this book. **李敏貞(作者及植物繪圖師)** 香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館 科研統籌員 畢業於香港大學環境管理理學碩士課程。於香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館主要負責科學繪圖的工作。2023年有幸得到教授級畫家馬平老師以身教言傳的方式學習科學繪圖,更感恩馬老師不吝賜教並細心修改每一幅植物繪圖。期望透過製作本圖鑑,讓大眾認識香港稀有及珍貴植物之餘,更希望把前輩們對植物分類及科學繪圖的熱誠承傳下去。 **Man-Ching Li (Author & Botanical Illustrator)** Research Coordinator, Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Man-Ching Li graduated from the Master’s programme in Environmental Management at the University of Hong Kong. She is currently working at the Shiu-Ying Hu Herbarium, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where her major role is creating scientific illustrations. Last year, it was a great honour to have the top botanical artist Ping Ma demonstrate how to create a scientific illustration, and she felt great gratitude to Ping Ma for refining most of the botanical illustrations. She hopes this illustrated book can act as a medium to promote the Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Kong, as well as pass on the enthusiasm of the experienced taxonomists and illustrators in the field of plant taxonomy and scientific illustration. **推薦語** 香港中文大學生命科學學院胡秀英植物標本館團隊再接再厲,在第二冊中記錄下香港具特別科學價值的植物品種,內容極為豐富。包括古今的植物標本、鑒證學名、生境記錄、文獻回顧、墨線繪圖、解剖照片、電子顯微鏡影像,再配上科學詞彙和描述。全書糅合科學、植物藝術和教學的元素,非常適合作為生命科學研究及教學之用,亦是品種保育的重要參考書籍。 —黃錦波 香港中文大學生命科學學院院長 With numerous well-drawn and precise botanical line drawings detailing plant morphological features, this second volume of botanical illustrated guide is not only a remarkable reference for botanical researchers, but also an interesting guide for plant lovers. Of particular interest are the microscopic scanning images of pollen and pollinarium of some species, providing a novel perspective to learn about and appreciate these rare and endangered plants of Hong Kong. —I. LUK Curator of Hong Kong Herbarium Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department 科學研究是根,科普教育為本。此圖鑑穩固掌握這兩條纏繞的線,同而不同、不同又相依的脈絡。作者的立意別具用心,以原生植物為主題,既是一個本地專題的研究,也能在進行科普教育時更讓人有親切感。此外,繪圖師精準而細緻地描繪了物種的鑒別特徵,使其與其他植物誌類型著作有所區別,這對於教學非常有益。圖版中使用文字標示各個器官的學術名詞,進一步幫助讀者清晰地理解該物種的基本特徵。本書科研、科普教育為一體,以獨具匠心的方式面向讀者,確實值得讚賞。 —馬平 資深植物繪圖師、《嘉卉:百年中國植物科學畫》主編 Native plants, especially rare and endangered species, are an important and vital component of a region’s heritage. Botanical Illustrated Guide to Hong Kong Native Plants (Volume II): Rare and Endangered Plants, provides a rich source of information on some of the most critical plants in Hong Kong. To know these plants so intimately will help to preserve them. This unique book is not only of valuable to the plant sciences, but is also a guide to the special kinds of plants that can grow in Hong Kong because of the way we care for the places where they thrive. I sincerely recommend this book to all researchers, teachers, students and the general public. It has much to offer to those who peruse its pages. —David E. Bouord Senior Research Scientist, Harvard University Herbaria & Editorial Committee Member of Flora of China


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