「Design with home in mind」為iThinking品牌經營的最大宗旨:將生活中平凡的用品,以家的溫暖為出發,進而轉換成有生命、具有療癒性及感性為訴求的商品,搭配豐富的色彩,隨意創造更溫馨的生活氣氛。
"iThinking" a creative brand from Taiwan, all the products are designed & made in Taiwan, emphasis on self-awareness and reflect the love of the designer, providing a feeling, taste and healing properties and practical small things of life.
「Design with home in mind」 is the fundamental purpose of iThinking brand management: Design household objects with warmth; convert natural biology prototype into living and healing commodities with emotional demands; create a cozy living atmosphere with rich colors! As iThinking's goal is to offer services to everyone who demands excellent products, we decided to extend our ambition and service spirit to create more household products.