植嶼 Native Gardener & Co.
成立於2021年的屏東竹田,負責人分別為一位在地客家血緣兼具攝影身份的烘豆師、一位著重甜點與咖啡之間味覺平衡的吧台手、一位海外的插畫設計與電影美術工作者。雖然三人領域極為不同,但都有著極度龜毛、在乎細節、注重美感特性的咖啡狂熱者,他們在植嶼N & Co.裡各司其職,冀盼做出位於台灣南國、專業中淺焙咖啡的獨立品牌。
選用100%阿拉比卡咖啡豆,由植嶼N & Co.團隊裡國際認證的專業烘豆師烘焙,著重於中淺焙咖啡酸甜平衡、多重層次、像香水般調性豐富的風味表現,希望藉由我們彙整的知識與咖啡配方,讓更多咖啡愛好者嘗試並驚艷於中淺焙咖啡的世界。
Native Gardener & Co.
Founded in 2021, Pingtung Taiwan. Native Gardener & Co. is an indie coffee roasting lab which proudly crafted in the Southern Hakkanese area and majorly develops multiple coffee flavors from light to medium roast levels.
It’s all about the passion, years of work, and thousand miles of being coffee addicts. N & Co. presents their hand-roasted, house blend, 100% Arabica coffee in every single small patch, for all the moments when you need to take a sip and cheer yourself up.