SONNIEWING 以設計幾何時裝皮革配飾如手袋、項鍊、耳環為主。希望籍以打造個人風格,圍繞著別緻的設計,提供無窮的造型選擇,讓熱愛時尚的,能創造自己的時裝風格。
SONNIEWING 每款每色只得一件,以「獨一無二」為主。款式靈感來自基本設計元素 – 點、線、面。並根據這三個要素,把幾何,如三角形、菱形、梯形、六邊形等,用不同的幾何圖案打造皮具及配飾。
品牌的理念與夢想 – Make Your Life and Fashion Colourful, Fun and Interesting. 我們會選擇色彩鮮豔的皮革做出不同的幾何時裝皮革配飾,以創造「獨一無二」的個人風格。
SONNIEWING HANDMADE LEATHER was founded in Dec 2013 by Wing Yeung. She graduated from First Institute of Art and Design in Hong Kong, she have the experience for the graphic design and visual merchandiser and worked in different design studio and fashion brands before setting up her own label.
Each product have provided a unique color and very limited quantities. I get the Inspiration from the basic design elements - point, line, plane. And based on these three elements to developed the different geometric - triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, hexagon, etc. Then use a different kind of geometric patterns to create leather bags and accessories.
Achieve my dreams – Make Your Life Colourful, Fun and Interesting. I will choose the colorful leather to made a different leather bags & accessories to create our personal style.