琅茶每季走訪產地,嚴選上質茶園在最適天氣時辰,由優秀茶師採製的「單品茶」 (Single Origin)。不混茶,為每支「單品茶」編號,詳載茶事,與時俱進,售完不再,真真切切感受每一片山林不同時節的純粹美好。
琅茶は季節の変わり目の最も良い時期に、優れた職人が上質な茶畑から厳選した「單品茶(Single Origin)」で作り上げました。「單品茶」ひとつひとつが限定品で同じ物は二つとなく、お茶本来の風味をお楽しみいただけます。
"Teas grown in the same tea garden but harvested on different days can yield subtle differences in aromas and flavors. Each harvest produces a unique taste."
Originated from Alishan, Wolf Tea makes every effort to bring the finest Formosa teas to the world since 2013. The owner inherits the skills from her father, who has over 20 years of experience in selecting teas. Each Wolf Tea comes from a single origin and has a unique ID number. This ensures that every sip of Wolf Tea brings you a once in a lifetime taste.